Labradorite is a plagioclase with an intermediate composition between the anorthite-albite series. It was first found in Canada off the eastern coast of Labrador, from which it took its name. It presents a particular optical phenomenon of iridescence, known as labradorescence. In fact, by rotating the mineral, it shows various colors. This effect is due to the presence of various laminar layers within the mineral.
Height (cm): 1.5
Depth (cm): 1.5
Width (cm): 1.5
Weight (g): Approx. 6
Chemical Formula: (Na,Ca)[(Al,Si)2Si2O8]
Mohs scale: 6-6.5
Relative Density: 2.61-2.77
Crystal System: Triclinic
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, labradorite is believed to help during times of change by increasing perseverance. It enhances consciousness and spiritual energies.