Peridotites are ultramafic rocks characteristic of the upper mantle, consisting essentially of olivine (about 60% by volume), clinopyroxene (about 15%) and orthopyroxene (about 25%). The partial melting of peridotites produces a basaltic magma at oceanic ridges. It is not particularly common to find peridotites with unaltered minerals; in fact, the progressive change in boundary conditions (pressure and temperature) and the interaction with circulating aqueous fluids causes a good part of the paragenesis to metamorphose to give chlorite, serpentine, amphibole and other hydrated and/or alteration minerals.
Length (cm): Approximately 40 cm in total
Stones Size (cm): 0.5 approx.
Weight (g): approx. 20
Chemical Formula: Ultramafic Rock
Mohs scale: -
Relative Density: -
Crystalline System: -
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, peridotite is considered the stone of self-love.