Charoite is a rare mineral and is considered one of the most important mineralogical discoveries of the 20th century. Its name derives from the Čara River, which flows in Siberia near the alkaline complex of Malyy Murun, where it was found for the first time. According to others, however, its name is connected with the Russian charovat, which means "charming". It belongs to the silicate family and is precisely a phyllosilicate. The mineral usually has a purple color with blackish streaks. The only place in the world where it is mined is the Malyy Murun massif, in Siberia.
Stone thickness (mm):4
Stone width (mm): 8
Stone height (mm): 10
Chemical Formula: K5Ca8(Si6O15)2(Si2O7)Si4O9(OH)·3(H2O)
Mohs scale: 5/6
Relative Density: 2.54 / 2.58
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Metaphysical Corner
Among the properties attributed to this mineral in the metaphysical world is that of helping to strengthen determination and push one to be oneself. It would also promote stability and calm.