Sunstone is a plagioclase feldspar that, when viewed from certain angles, shows a striped appearance. It has been found in southern Norway, Sweden, various locations in the United States, and on some beaches along the central coast of South Australia. The optical effect appears to be due to the reflections of the red copper inclusions, in the form of minute flakes, which are hexagonal, rhombic, or irregular in shape, and are arranged parallel to the main cleavage plane. These inclusions give the stone an appearance similar to that of aventurine, so sunstone is also known as "aventurine-feldspar". The central part of this crystal sparkles and the color is usually darkest in the center and becomes lighter towards the outer edges.
Height (cm): 2.5-3.5
Depth (cm): 2-2.5
Width (cm): 3-4
Weight (g): 30
Chemical Formula: (Ca,Na)((Al,Si)2Si2O8)
Mohs scale: 6 – 6.5
Relative Density: 2.64–2.66
Crystal System: Triclinic
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, it is believed that the sunstone promotes intuition and allows the true self to express itself and be happy. It also helps calm fear, relieve stress and increase vitality.