Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony, belonging to the cryptocrystalline quartz family. Its most well-known and prized color is red-orange, due to the presence of iron oxides inside it. Its name is probably linked to that of the cornelian cherry, a plant that produces fruits with colors similar to those of the mineral. Furthermore, alchemists of the Middle Ages used it to activate the energy of other varieties of chalcedony by heating it to very high temperatures.
Single stone hole diameter (mm): 1
Single stone width (mm): 8
Single stone width (mm): 8
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Mohs scale: 7
Relative Density: 2.65
Crystal System: Trigonal
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, carnelian is said to contain a lot of energy and, therefore, to be of great help in restoring lost vitality and motivation. It also protects against envy, anger and resentment, both personal and others, and increases love for life.