Tiger's eye is a variety of quartz of yellow, brown, red color. It presents an alternation of levels of quartz and amphibole altered mainly in limonite, hence the yellow color. The presence of acicular minerals that are isooriented parallel to each other gives rise to a particular optical effect known as chatoyancy. The wavy and contrasting bands of color and luster create particular patterns that make it widely used for jewelry and ornaments.
Height (cm): 2.5
Depth (cm): 2.4
Width (cm): 2.4
Weight (g): 20-25
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Mohs scale: 7
Relative Density: 2.65
Crystalline System: -
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, this stone is believed to help banish fear and anxiety and bring harmony and balance. It also stimulates the decision-making process.