Lava is the part of magma that reaches the Earth's surface, it differs from magma for the loss of most of the volatiles (gases). The word lava comes from the Latin "labes" which means fall, slide, in reference to its flow on the surface. Lavas are divided based on their silica content into: - basic or femic, if they have a low silica content (between 45 and 52%); - neutral, if they have a medium silica content (between 52 and 65%); - acidic or sialic, if they have a high silica content (greater than 65%).
Height (cm): approx. 2
Depth (cm): 1 approx.
Width (cm): approx. 2.5
Weight (g): approx. 5
Chemical Formula: Not available
Mohs scale: not available
Relative Density: not available
Crystalline System: Not available
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, lava is believed to help connect with our planet and give strength and courage, providing stability in times of change. It is also considered a calming stone, useful for dissipating anger.