Kunzite is a pink-lilac variety of spodumene. It was discovered in 1902 in California and is named after its discoverer, George Frederick Kunz (1856-1932), an American mineralogist and collector. It occurs in elongated, flattened, poorly terminated prismatic crystals with longitudinal striations. The crystals have lilac, pink, or purple hues, with a transparency ranging from translucent to transparent. An interesting characteristic of kunzite is its phosphorescence. Along with tanzanite, kunzite is considered by mineralogists to be the greatest gemological discovery of the 20th century. Although originally discovered in America, kunzite is now also mined in Brazil, Madagascar, and Pakistan. The most important deposits, however, are found in Afghanistan.
Height (cm): 1-1.5
Depth (cm): 1-1.5
Width (cm): 1.5-2
Weight (g): 10 approx.
Chemical Formula: LiAl(SiO3)2
Mohs scale: 6.5/7
Relative Density: 3/3.2
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, kunzite is considered a stone of romantic love, useful for communicating love. It is also known as a stone of self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance.