Agate is a variety of microcrystalline quartz that does not form single visible crystals but only compact aggregates, cavity fillings (geodes) and stalactite formations. Its name is attributed to Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and naturalist who lived between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, who discovered it along the Acate River in Sicily. In nature there are different types of agate, whose names are given based on the shapes that can be recognized inside; among the best known are banded agates, eye agates, fortress agates, moss agates and landscape agates. Often agates are subjected to artificial coloring treatments and take on the most varied colors. The industrial uses of agate exploit its hardness, the ability to maintain a highly smooth surface and its resistance to chemical attacks.
Height (cm): 3-4
Depth (cm): 2.5
Width (cm): 3-4
Weight (g): 50-70
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Mohs scale: 6.5-7
Relative Density: 2.6
Crystal System: Trigonal
Metaphysical Corner
In the metaphysical world, agate is considered the mineral of strength. It was used by the ancients to give strength to warriors and make them victorious in battle. It is also known as the stone of luck. It is also said to increase creativity and intellectual abilities.